Where Epic Metal RPG Campaigns and Fantasy Novels Meet...

Join us on our next adventure as we launch The Black Ballad: Chronicles of the Crossing.

Chronicles of the Crossing is a collection of full-length novels of different genres, each written by a different author to explore journeys through the Purgatory setting of The Black Ballad. These novels explore the age-old question any adventurer has had to ask in a TTRPG campaign...

You died, now what?

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We're launching soon. Sign up now to unlock a special offer for a FREE ADVENTURE for The Black Ballad, as well as other backer exclusives!

An Epic Heavy Metal Campaign Set in the Afterlife

Introducing over 300+ pages of TTRPG content centered around the Divine! Explore new player classes like The Godless, new domains, new spells, new species, and new templates for your dead characters while they wait for resurrection!

As an added bonus, the full campaign also features a fully orchestrated soundtrack by DiAmorte with every purchase!


  • Books written by humans and cryptids! No robots (sorry Skynet)
  • Stories exploring The Sunless Crossing, a realm of waiting for the dead, built to handle the impact of resurrection in fantasy settings
  • Variant versions of The Black Ballad
  • Full orchestral soundtrack (and maybe even... the final metal release of The Black Ballad) by DiAmorte
  • Actual International-friendly shipping options!
  • New Cleric Domains like Wish, Regret, Dream and Envy
  • New Gods centered around the afterlife.
  • A full campaign and setting designed to plug into ANY homebrew world.
  • And who knows what else we'll unlock through stretch goals...

Unlock an Exclusive Offer!

We're launching soon. Sign up now to unlock a special offer for a FREE ADVENTURE for The Black Ballad, as well as other backer exclusives!